Equal Opportunities Policy

The Practice is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Equal opportunities is a core value in all aspects of our employment policy and practice and covers everybody in our Company. This means that we shall not discriminate in any way (either directly or indirectly) against any individual on the grounds of colour, race, religion, nationality or national or ethnic origins, age, sex or marital status, pregnancy or sexual orientation, or disability. We believe that diversity is an essential ingredient of the Brown Matthews culture and that the composition of our staff should ideally reflect that of today’s society.

We expect our staff to ensure that they promote this approach in all aspects of their dealing with people. Acts of discrimination or victimisation will not be tolerated by the Practice. Staff will be expected to comply with this policy in all respects and at all times and to ensure that their actions, as individuals, do not bring the Practice into disrepute. If an employee is unclear as to the provisions of the legislation, or as to how to deal with any particular problem, he/she should contact the Principal for assistance and guidance.

To ensure that any direct or indirect discrimination or victimisation does not occur, recruitment and other employment decisions will be regularly monitored, and we acknowledge the specific responsibilities of management in this regard.

Selection criteria and procedures will also be regularly reviewed in the light of nationality or national or ethnic, sex or marital status, pregnancy or sexual orientation, or disability to ensure that they are not adversely and unjustifiably affecting the opportunities of any particular person, and that in recruitment, remuneration, training and promotion all candidates or employees are considered solely on the basis of their relevant merits and abilities.

All employees will be given equal opportunity and encouraged to progress within the organisation.

Any member of staff who believes that he or she has been unfairly treated in any sense associated with this policy is entitled to raise the matter with the Principal.

Ref. E0/SPM